Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quilt Top Is Almost Finished

With all of the cold rainy weather of late I have finally gotten back to working on my queen sized quilt. Over the weekend I managed to finish sewing all my sectional strips together into one big pieced top.

Now I just need to put the double border on I have planned and the front will be finished. :D I had hoped to finish up this part up before Christmas but ah well, thus is how life goes sometimes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Seeing Spots...Cheetah Spots That Is

While I may seem like that last person you know to enjoy animal print I am actually very fond of it; cheetah and leopard styles specifically. So when I discovered this type of styled felt I knew I MUST buy some to make a few projects. Right now since I am focusing on coasters I created three styles: stars, hearts and rounds.

I feel like these would be perfect gifts for those setting up their first apartment or for dorm room life. Fun and a little funky they add a lot of color to a space while jazzing it up, these are not your grandmothers coasters! Mix things up, be different; you can do it! :D

I know some artist friends whom I think would love these for their studio or office spaces. These would be great for creative souls who like things a little different.

This Round Cheetah set will be posted up to my Etsy shop soon.

As for upcoming projects which are a bit different I probably have two or three in the works, so I am hoping to talk about those soon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Felt Cuties You Can Use As Coasters

Due to poor health I ended up taking three days off of from work last week. This time gave me pause that I was overdue to get some more creative time squeezed into my schedule as I haven't made anything in what feels like ages. It's not that I have been ignoring my blog here, but more a case of low in creative juice. Cue some felt and the sewing machine and here is the result of the past five days; it's like the creative powers that be gave me a swift kick! :-)

I had loads of fun sewing everything, just the act of cutting things out and the hum of the machine was very relaxing. I feel almost like I've taken a mini vacation in my studio instead of feeling bad of health.

The idea's for these coasters are tumbling all around in my brain faster than I can make them, but I am already feeling some other thoughts branching just a step or two from here. I've been sketching several things down in my design book which I am anxious to start. The weather is finally turning rainy with cool fronts passing through the area, so I will start running around town less and be more focused.

I have some more less 'traditional' designs coming which I will be sharing soon. :) Right now these are all up in my Etsy shop, along the a teaser of a product line to come. I am really crazy about this print, it's just so fun! Here's a little peek for you.

Rock Star Pink Cheetah Animal Print Felt Coasters - Set of Four

Now that five days have passed I am feeling a little bit better. I visited the doctor on Friday so now I'm just waiting on some blood work. I don't think it's anything too serious, just may be off on some vitamins or something like that which makes you feel awful. Also visited my optometrist which was a long over due visit, seems my current glasses are now to strong for me. I was pretty surprised to hear that but it certainly explains the headaches I've been having again. So hopefully the new glasses which should be here in around a week will improve things.

It's supposed to barely make 72F here today, I'm planning on relishing the cooler temperatures! I know for those of you up north that probably sounds like summer, but it was just in the lower 90's last week and I am very happy Autumn weather has finally arrived.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting Ready for Halloween

I have had ideas tumbling around in my head of late, but there has been much drama in finding my three dear cats a new home. My allergies have been off the charts and I am just unable to keep them any longer. Throbbing headaches that never end and daily puffy eyes are just not my idea of a good time. :( Thankfully friends and family have adopted them, so I will still get to visit my sweeties from time to time.

Enough drama, on to crafting!

Over the long weekend I felt inspired and thus wandered to the fabric store to take advantage of the holiday sale and pick up some more felt. I have a few ideas sketched out for Halloween, but here is the first one to be sewn up. Without further ado, let me introduce you to my little snaggel toothed bat.

It is about six inches wide from wing tip to tip. Sewing black on black is a challenge but Saturday's bright sunny weather was just the thing I needed to stitch this cutie up. I've stuffed it plump and used little buttons for the eyes.

As soon as storm Hermine gets done pouring rain around here I am going to try and take some better snaps out on the porch. As soon as that's done I'll be posting this cutie up in my Etsy Shop.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finished: Parsley Scissor Keeper

So what was I making in my last post? Why this adorable parsley themed scissor keeper! It also doubles as a fantastic decoration for cabinet knobs and lamps. There is a basket of parsley on the front and then on the back a single dainty sprig.

You can find several more pictures of it within it's Etsy listing.

This was such a fun project that I am already working on the next one. :D My mind is notorious for thinking about the next project while I am still trying to finish the current one.

This past weekend I took a deep breath and at last bought an additional storage box to separate my over flow of sewing floss into. Don't ask how I ever had all of this crammed into one box, because even I am not sure how that ever worked and the lid wasn't popping off!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stitching Away

Well hello there, I realize I have been incognito for quiet a while now, but at last I am back! Now that Summer is in full swing I am having fond memories of Autumns cool breath and that always makes me want to sew!

Right now I am working on a project which involves cross stitching. I'm just about done with the design, so after that I will be..well...you'll see. :-)

I have moved my Etsy shop, please adjust your bookmarks to http://clovermeadow.etsy.com .

Up for sale right now I have two lovely handmade ceramic pendants strung on satin cording; one is featuring a cat paw print in a turquoise blue and the other a wolf paw print in moss green.


I have been actively sketching new ideas, so I am looking forward to sharing them with you as they come to fruition.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Polka Doted Cherry Pouch

I have wanted to finish up my quilt for some time now, but alas my eyes have been giving me a lot of trouble of late. Even though I'm wearing my glasses I'll get really bad headaches after a little bit. :-/ So needless to say I haven't been able to do as much crafting as I have wanted of late.

Even while I've been resting my eyes since the holiday’s massive sewing moment, I have been working on this little pouch when I've had the time. I have made it specifically for my digital camera, but it's also the perfect size to hold my cell phone.

The inside is lined with a small print floral and polka dot fabric in coordinating colors.

While creating this I have had lots of ideas for another version or two, so that will be coming in the somewhat near future. I would like to have this new version done by summer vacation, so I’m hopeful to share the fruits of my labor soon-ish. :-)